Dads Final Moments

It was raining like winter in the middle in summer that day. We had kept a vigil at dads bed all night. Carmelina, Silvana, Frank, Josie had stayed overnight at Mc Culloch house Palliative care centre. Mum, Julie and Josie arrived about 11am. I arrived there at about 10 am. We were all very tired. We had been nursing dad for over 2 weeks since his release from hospital. We wanted him to be home in his last days. The medical team at the Alfred hospital told us he only had 2 weeks to live.

By now Dads breathing had become coarse and moist. The nurses assured us we was comfortable and that he was in no pain. Dad was in a coma and could not move. We took turns holding his hand and touching his face. Occasionally we cried, but by now, most of the crying had been shed.

At around 4.15pm, The family decided to take a short break, so i  was left alone to keep the vigil. I sat beside Dads bed and felt his hand and I noticed that they were getting colder. So I sat on a chair next to him and I just spoke to him. This time I didn't whisper as I was alone with Dad and I somehow knew he could hear me.

I began to talk to him as if he was awake. I spoke to him about many things. So many things came out of my mouth as I had a moment of sheer clarity. I spoke to him about all the things he had achieved in his long life. I spoke to him of the days at RALAC (Repatriation Artificial Limbs Appliance Centre) how he had helped so many people live a more comfortable life. I kept on telling him how much we all loved him. I told him how he would soon be with his parents and his brothers and sisters. I told him things that a just cant remember too clearly as well.

Around 4.20, the nurses asked me if I wanted to have dad turned over. I consented and they began the ritual of turning him over and other checks. I stood aside and  watched them carefully.

At this point, a strange feeling overcome me. I began telling the nurses about dads life. It was if dad was talking through me.

At about 4.30, the nurse came in and asked me if I wanted father Emmanuel to come in and give Dad the last blessing for the dying. Father Julian was suppose to come, but for some reason he had been held up.

I told father Emmanuel the story of my fathers life. He was surprised I had such a clear and concise recollection of my fathers life. Dad was talking through me, I strongly believe this as I was almost catatonic shortly before.

Father Emmanuel was so warm and compassionate towards my father and I. He had the aura of an angel, he was the angel sent by god to take my father to paradise. I realize this now.

He spoke to me about many things and the kingdom of heaven, then he began to give my father his final blessing and anointment. I fell to my knees and prayed with father Emmanuel.

After the prayers, I continued to tell father Emmanuel about dads wonderful life from the war days to the present day. I told father how dad married mum by proxy in Italy and how she arrived in Australia 50 years on the days Amanda and I got married, December the 8th. Father told me that dad could hear me.

I then decided to show father a picture of dad and mom from my wedding. He smiled. then father noticed that dad had opened his eyes. It was a miracle.

I turned around and saw my dads eyes wide open looking at me with his cheeky smile that he was so famous for. I squeezed his hand with every ounce of life in my body as tears flooded my eyes.

I took the photo that was in my hand and showed it to dad. I told him how beautiful he and mum looked and how much we all loved him.

I mentioned all of my brothers and sisters names and I told him from within my tears that I would take care of mum and my siblings.

then he quietly exhaled,

I waited for him to inhale,

it never came.

I felt an almighty sorrow as I  fell to my knees and cried tears that burnt my face. I couldn't breath. I kissed dads face and held him tightly. I scratched his nose that he loved so much for the last time.

Father Emanuel spoke to me telling me that dad was in paradise now. He told me that he had never seen a more peaceful entrance into paradise. Through my tears, I looked at father Emmanuel and he was smiling at dad like I have never seen before.

Dad entered paradise at 4.50pm. He was in total peace. He laid there as if he was asleep. God took his hand and took him to his kingdom.

Dad didn't want the family to suffer. So he waited to be alone with me. He knew that I would be okay.

I know this is how it was meant to be.

Dad is now in peace with his family, making ready our arrival.


Salute Pappa,

Vince Falvo